Waldo sessions now support scripting! – Learn more

Tests that actually capture the user experience

Users don't care about your code, they care about their experience. Test user experiences by creating and replaying end-to-end tests that are decoupled from your app code.

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Trusted by leading iOS and Android developers
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Hinge Health

Dynamic, flexible, and reliable tests

Our behavioral replay engine is built for the modern mobile app experience. Waldo tests your app from the perspective of a real user making it less sensitive to UI changes. It can find elements (like buttons) even if they change position, ID or size.

Opus app icon

There's lots to rave about with Waldo, but here's what stands out most is we rarely experience any flakey test.

Jeff Silver
Co-Founder & VP of Engineering @ Opus

How it works


Launch app and land on a screen

As you interact with your app, Waldo captures the screen and breaks down its structure to understand how each element is positioned globally and relative to others. When you run this test, Waldo launches your app, and will land on the first screen of your test.


Scan screen and compare to expected behavior

Then Waldo studies the screen, and compares it to the corresponding baseline you originally recorded  to understand if it’s looking at the right screen.


Make a decision on where to click

Like a real user, Waldo reacts to the screen it is presented with: based on the signals gathered on step 2, Waldo automatically makes the best decision to navigate to the next step in your test. Waldo will continue to repeat steps 1 through 3 until it reaches the end of your user flow.

You found a bug!

When Waldo can’t replay a step, you have a bug. It can be a button not working, a crash or a specific element not matching.

Solve device fragmentation, concurrently, and efficiently.


Screen sizes


When you replay a test on a new configuration, Waldo is still able to perform the interactions that moves you from point A to B, while checking that the UI looks correct in the new context.

llama in a sweatshirt smiling

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